Strike a Blow for Survival

It is overdue time to put Big oil, gas and coal out of business. They claim we need them to 2050 but their claims are as false as those made by Big tobacco, Big pharma and Big chemical in years gone by. For example; Big tobacco claimed smoking is harmless. Big pharma claimed oxycontin is not addictive. Big chemical claimed their spills do no harm. In each case we learned that while making those claims, Big tobacco, Big pharma and Big chemical knew their claims were false when they were making them. They continued their false claims when smokers were dying from lung cancer, when patients became addicted to the narcotics in oxycontin and when neighbours of the spills were made sick for life by never ending effects of spilled chemicals. They continued with fraudulent claims to continue profits. Those false claims killed only a small percentage of the population.

Not so with the false claims now being made by Big oil, Big gas and Big coal. They know that use of oil, gas and coal has to end sometime. They know that burning their products changes the climate. They know that a changing climate can kill everyone. But they continue to pay their shareholders instead of exploring for and developing new alternative sources of energy. In fact they are exploring for new deposits of oil, gas and coal. And they claim more oil, more gas and more coal is required until the transformation to new alternative energy is complete by 2050. But we the people with common sense know that if the transformation takes until 2050 there won’t need to be a transformation. Climate change caused by burning oil, gas and coal will have caused the extinction of so many species there will be no species left who burn oil, gas and coal. The claims made by Big oil, Big gas and Big coal, if acted upon, will kill all

Look around; insects are rare, birds are scarce, fresh water is contaminated forever by oil gas and coal extraction and spills, people are dying from heat and people are drowning in floods. Medical experts tell us people living near busy roadways are more sick and die earlier than those living near less busy streets. Instead of changing to clean energy sources now, Big oil, Big gas and Big coal are doubling down and extracting more. They claim we need oil, gas and coal until the alternative clean energy sources are ready. But they make no effort to develop alternative sources of energy. Adding insult to injury, they pose as climate warriors claiming their extraction processes are cleaner than they were. Those claims confuse the facts. No one cares how clean their extraction processes are. We only care about not burning the products they are extracting. And no government is making them stop, at least not anytime soon. All persons with
common sense know we will not survive burning oil, gas and coal for another thirty years at the same or
greater levels that we do now.

Survival is up to us. Strike a blow for survival. Buy an electric car and plant a tree on your birthday.

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